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Image by Nick Morrison
Image by Glenn Carstens-Peters

Genealogical Crime Mystery Writing Course

Want to write your very own genealogical crime mystery?! Now's your chance!

Genealogical crime mystery author, Nathan Dylan Goodwin is offering the chance to be part of a pilot course that teaches you how to write in this unique genre. The brand-new and exciting course is delivered live over 7 weeks. Lessons will include teaching, workshopping, group and individual writing assignments.


Here's what you'll learn on the course:

Week 1 - Introduction to Genealogical Crime Mysteries: Setting the Scene

  • Understanding the genealogical crime mystery genre

  • Exploration of key elements: family history, mysteries, and crime​

Week 2 - Crafting Compelling Characters

  • Look at some examples of genealogists (Genealogist as Protagonist) from this genre

  • Developing character backstories

  • Building characters with depth and complexity

Week 3 - The Art of Setting: Bringing the Past to Life

  • Exploring historical settings.

  • Crafting vivid and immersive descriptions.

  • ​Balancing historical accuracy with narrative needs.

Week 4 - Dialogue and Interactions

  • Writing realistic and engaging dialogue

  • Developing relationships through dialogue

  • Historical dialogue

Week 5 - Using Real Genealogy in Fiction

  • Choosing the right records for the story

  • Past or present reveal?

  • Balancing fact and fiction in your writing.

Week 6 - Unravelling the Past: Plotting Your Mystery

  • Developing a strong plot with twists and turns.

  • Creating suspense and pacing in your narrative.

  • Building tension throughout your narrative.

Week 7 - Writing Your Genealogical Crime Mystery

  • Reviewing the elements of a successful genealogical crime mystery.

  • Editing and refining your work.

  • Preparing for submission or further development.

The cost of the pilot course is £297 and spaces are limited. The expected full cost will be upwards of £397.

Adult Students
Adult Students

The course is currently in the creation / pilot phase. Please register your interest using the button below to be kept informed of the course developments.


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